Thomas Basbøll

Thomas Basbøll is the resident writing consultant at the Copenhagen Business School Library. He earned his BA in philosophy at the University of Calgary (1994), his MA at the University of Copenhagen (1999), and his PhD at the Copenhagen Business School (2004). His work has taken him from the philosophy and rhetoric of scientific explanation to the epistemology of academic writing. Currently, his main focus is on teaching students how to write and coaching researchers in the writing process. 

This site is about the underlying craft of scholarship. Its name, Inframethodology, is intended to indicate the area “beneath” or “behind” method, just as “metatheory” is generally taken to indicate something “above” or “beyond” theory.

It is the practices that are grounded in our “care” for research that will interest us here. These are things like clear writing, proper referencing, close reading of sources, attention to detail in note-taking, the collection and storage of data. In short, everything that ensures the quality of our research, short of those issues that properly belong to the methodologies of particular disciplines.

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