[See also: How to write a research project. How to write the background, theory, analysis and discussion sections. How to write the introduction and conclusion. How to review the literature and how to structure a research paper. How to finish on time and how to reference properly. Part of the Craft of Research series. Full program here.]
Video of the February 19, 2025 talk
The purpose of a methods section is to get the reader to trust your data. You will need this trust because your data will, hopefully, constitute some of sort of challenge for either the currently accepted theories or the currently dominant practices in your area. That is, the reader is prepared to learn something from your analysis, and this will require a change in the way they see the world or what they propose to do about it. But don’t imagine your reader is a naively open-minded pushover. They came by their current theories and practices honestly, and they will only be won over when presented with solid results. So you will have to engage with their natural, healthy skepticism.
In this talk, I begin with a little exercise that I came up with a few years ago. Choose a place you know well, and that you think a peer would be grateful to learn how to find. Then spend two and a half hours writing five paragraphs (27 minutes at a time) that explain how to get there. Begin by telling them what they will find and where they should start. Then lay out three stages on the quest to get there. Conclude by telling them how they know they have arrived and what they should do to enjoy their time there. As you write, remind yourself that, given your experience, you have all the authority you need to talk about this. Also, since your reader is a peer, you know what you can assume they already understand (how to find a metro station, how find their bearings in the woods, etc.) and you can use this effectively communicate what you mean.
In order to win the reader’s trust or establish your authority (which are closely related operations, of course), you must respect the standards your share with your reader, you must position yourself with respect to your object in a way your reader will approve of. If the theme of your theory section is your reader’s expectations or curiosity, the theme of the methods section is your competence to challenge them or satisfy it. You are telling the reader the true story of the way (Gr. hodos) you came to your data, i.e., what you take as given in your analysis. But remember that you can only take it for granted after you have made the required effort. “Some Huxley or Haldane,” said Ezra Pound, “has remarked that in inventing the telescope Galileo had to commit a definite technical victory over materials.” In principle, it is your victory over your empirical materials that you are describing in your methods section. Since it is a school assignment, however, please don’t worry too much about winning. Pound described his magnum opus, The Cantos, as “the record of a struggle”; and even a “document of failure” can get you a perfectly good grade if you present it as, let’s say, an “object lesson” in research.
Do the best you can to learn about the world, and tell the truth about what you’ve done. That’s your methodology.
I suggest you write your methods section paragraph for paragraph. My little exercise about finding a place you know well is a good model for this. One approach is to use Hemingway’s “sequence of motion and fact” as a guide. In the exercise, you are telling the reader where to go and what they will see along the way. This includes a sense of the wrong turns they might take and how that would look. In the methods section, you are mostly telling the reader what you did (and why); but sometimes you are stating the facts of the case. In each paragraph, decide whether you are describing, say, your sampling method or the population you are sampling from, the interview or setting. Are you presenting a moving or a static image? It can be easier to write (and ultimately easier to read) if you choose one.
I mentioned Quentin Tarantino’s debut film, Reservoir Dogs. It reminded me that I wrote a blog post about the scene in question many years ago on my other blog.
Here are some more posts on the subject: